Social prescribing is a care approach that connects people to activities, groups and services in their community to meet the practical, social and emotional needs that affect their health and wellbeing. When working with our friendly team, you can get support on a whole range of topics such as employment, finances, caring, emotional wellbeing, welfare, cost of living, dementia, and more.
This offer patients the time to look at ‘what matters to me’, time to explore issues and challenges and offer the opportunity for a person to make meaningful changes in their life. The aim is to empower and encourage patients to take control of their own mental health and wellbeing through brief interventions to educate someone to have the skills and tools to move towards more improved wellbeing.
How do I access Social Prescribing?
You can self refer into Social Prescribing through your local practice. You can complete a request online through your local practice website.